I (Jerry) am very thankful to a sweet couple who gave me a ticket to the USA and back to see Kristen graduate. (I know God will reward them for their love and sacrifice they made.)
We were also able to see Jacquelin and Tara & Will & Keren and Kristen's husband Chris. We also saw our sweet friends Gene & Charmaine from Roanoke, Va. who were a blessing at Kristen's home.
The winter weather and airports where a bit challenging, but God blessed all of our travels.
Thank you Jesus and all who prayed for Kristen & Chris and our travels.
My youngest brother, Perry (above photo, with a white beard) was at the graduation also. During the graduation ceremony the gospel message was clearly shared by Dr. Danny Akin. Perry prayed to receive forgiveness for his sins and he trusted Jesus as his savior!!!!!!
We have been praying for Perry for 18 years!!! God is faithful to save!!!
What a great day December 17th was in our lives.
Z Bogiem, Jerry and family